I thought I would give a try to the newborn poser making the social media rounds. While it sounds a bit odd, you start with an elevated dog bed. WHAAAAT?? Here is my version. I used just the replacement mesh and DIYed my own frame. I bought a Coolaroo dog bed replacement mesh. (Amazon link) I used a LARGE. I knew I was going to place this on a kids play table, so I needed the mesh to fit perfectly. I followed everyone’s directions and headed to the hardware store for PVC. I found I didnt like how flimsy the PVC was, or the writing. 🙁 Back it all went. Then, eureka! I found furniture grade PVC!!! I opted for black. (I wish I had bought white – What was I thinking??) Anyway, I figured out the Formufit PVC pieces that I would need to create my masterpiece. I wanted a frame for the mesh surface, 18-20″ tall back support for my posing blankets and 6″ or so legs.

Double and triple check what you need! I bought everything in a 1″ size PVC. I ordered3 – 48″3 – 36″1 – 12″2 – 90″ elbows2 – Internal Adjustable Elbows2 – 4-way Tee Fittings2 – 3 way PVC Elbows4 – Flat end caps Then the fun begins! Advice – triple check before you cut! (Im speaking from experience here 🙂 ) Once you have one side cut, use that piece to cut the others.

But eventually, it came together.

Yay – but……. This was my first version with my back too tall. I cut this down to the 18″ I have suggested above and it was PERFECT!
Final Version! (same bottom as above, just a shorter back)

I recently got to test this out and I LOVED it! My bean bag poser was too small. In fairness, it was not a bean bag designed for newborns. However, it was fairly large. What I didnt like is it was not flat. I had a month old squirmer and was super worried he was going to squirm right off. With this flat surface, no worries! I also like the sturdy elegant look of the furniture grade PVC. Yes, it was a bit more expensive, but I am happy I went with it. I did not want something that looked flimsy. I spent something like $80 on the PVC (+ $30 shipping! yicks) and $15 on the mesh top.

Here is my current set up. I use about 5 polar fleece blanket throws that I got at Walmart for $2.50 each. They are perfect for smoothing out your backdrops.
Have fun creating a poser that is perfect for your photography work!